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Posted: September 14th, 2007
Note - If you have a question about the website that hasn't been answered here, get in touch. Check out the Contact Us page to find out how. For press enquiries email the editor.

What is oozle.net?
oozle.net is Ireland's online technology magazine designed to bring its readers regularly updated news, previews and views of the Irish technology scene.

Where is oozle.net?
Having started life in Galway in February 2002, oozle.net relocated to Dublin in March 2003 and is currently based in Sandyford. For contact information check out the Contact Us page.

Who is oozle.net?
oozle.net is designed, developed and updated solely by Rónan Palliser, an engineer with a strong interest in technology and website design. Combining these two interests, oozle.net was the natural result. The website started out as a personal hobby, but having gained a growing readership through word of mouth and some national media coverage, the site aims to become a fully-fledged source of valuable information for Irish readers. Updated regularly, but always having to fit in around the day job, oozle.net is run on an entirely voluntary basis.
Find out more about oozle.net

What does oozle mean?
While it's possible that "oozle" means something in English or indeed another language, for the purposes of developing this website, the word was made up. Unashamedly noting the success of google and yahoo, the website's creator sought a word with an oo sound, and, with a source of inspiration as yet unknown, settled on "oozle".

I would like to advertise on oozle.net. Is this possible?
Absolutely. Opportunities exist for targeted adverts closely related to, and complementing, the content of the website, or adverts that are likely to be of interest to the sites readership.

As well as simple banner ads, oozle.net also seeks competition sponsors to enable it to run free competitions for its readers. As a competition sponsor, businesses supply a prize and can avail of one-time mailings to registered oozle.net readers as well as prominent competition coverage on the website. If you would like to discuss any of these opportunities further, email editor@oozle.net.

How frequently is oozle.net updated?
oozle.net is a small operation with employees totalling 1, so it is impossible to offer hourly updates on the website. Hence the site uses a magazine format where articles get added on a daily or weekly basis and each month a new cover page goes live on the home page. To ensure you stay up to date with changes check back regularly, or better still, subscribe to oozle.net's monthly newsletter.

Any time an article is added to the website the What's New? scrolling box that appears on the left of each page is updated and once a month a new cover page goes live on the homepage linking to all the most recent articles.





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